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Benefits of Adrak

Posted by Anna Anandita on

Ginger, or scientifically known as, Zingiber officinale, is a widely used spice and medicine. It belongs to the family that includes turmeric and cardamom too. It is one of the first spices to have been exported from Asia.  Out of the total production of ginger throughout the world in 2018, India led the highest with 32% of the world total.  Ginger has a variety of uses in food or medicine items such as vegetables, candy, soda, pickles, and alcoholic beverages. It is a key ingredient in any Indian household, roots back amongst the Ayurvedas. Its use dates back to 3000...

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Benefits of Hing

Posted by Anna Anandita on

Hing or Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula. It is also called "stinking gum", "devil's dung" or "food of the devils". It is widely used in every part of India, both in medicine and in cookery. DID YOU KNOW? Asafoetida is mentioned quite a lot in Jewish literature, such as the Mishnah. BENEFITS OF HING/HEENG For our skin: A paste of hing with multani mitti and honey helps fight the signs of ageing.  It has great skin brightening and radiance properties. It is valuable for acne free...

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Why Jeera or Cumin is Good for Health

Posted by Sumedha Chhikara on

Jeera or Cumin is a very common ingredient that you can find in every household in India. Indians use jeera in their dish to enhance the flavour of the dish, it has also got so many health benefits. Jeera has also got a special place in the world of spices. You can also make digestive churan or Jeera goli with the jeera seeds. Apart from taste, jeera has lots of health benefits and that’s why you should use it in your diet. Jeera or Cumin Seeds Health Benefits of Jeera: ● Promotes Digestion ● Is a Rich Source of Iron...

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10 Health benefits of Munakka (Raisin) you must know

Posted by Pankaj Moolrajani on

Munakka or Raisin is basically a variety of dyhydrated or dried grapes. It is treated as extremely healthy in traditional Indian medicine and is often recommended as part of diet to those recovering from chronic illness. It is cooling in nature and is very sweet in taste. Considered as an effective home remedy for many minor health problems, this humble dry fruit is majorly used for garnishing desserts and dishes in India. According to health experts, diabetic patients should not use it without consulting the physician. It has a high amount of natural sugars i.e. sucrose and glucose; which are...

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Benefits Of Dry Dates ( Chuara ) For Health & Their Nutritional Value

Posted by Pankaj Moolrajani on

Dry Dates benefits: According to Delhi based Nutritionist Dr. Lokendra Tomar, "dry dates contain less moisture as compared to fresh dates and have a prolonged life span than dates. Dry dates are significantly higher in calories, so if you are looking at losing weight, you should limit your intake. However, they are an excellent source of fiber and protein that help keep your body healthy. Other than that, they are a good source of calcium and vitamin C too." Here are some amazing benefits of dried dates that will compel you to add them in your daily diet. 1. Heart Friendly Dry dates are...

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